Universität Innsbruck

   Action Point - 4 months ago

Water Reduction

Water is a vital resource, yet our everyday habits often lead to wasting much more than we need. Household water consumption, especially by leaving the tap running unnecessarily, has a significant impact on our water resources. Simple changes, like turning off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing your hands, can make a big difference. Today, we challenge you to be mindful of water waste and to use the tap only when absolutely necessary. Together, we can save water and reduce environmental impact. For example: If you leave the tap running while brushing your teeth for two minutes, you use about 12 liters of water. By turning it off during that time, you save that amount each time. Imagine doing this twice a day – you could save over 8,700 liters of water per year. Through small habit changes, each of us can help protect precious water and make the world a more sustainable place.


  • save water
  • water reduction
With this AP you can safe 8.7 Liter of Wasser per year
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